
Be TEQSA-Ready. Assessment Reform in a Single Click.

NextAssess transforms your assessments for the new technological era. Offering seamless integration, real-time adaptation, and the precise tools educators need to maintain compliance, encourage deep learning, and prepare students for a future dominated by AI. NextAssess takes care of everything, so you can concentrate on what matters most – teaching and student success

NextAssess Solves Assessment Reform in 3 Easy Steps

Step 1 - Upload

Upload or Describe Your Existing Assessment. NextAssess even allows you to select for Programmatic Assessment

Few simple details and we are ready to go!

Step 2 - Transform

Our tool redesigns your assessments, whether you want to integrate AI or focus on other, uniquely human, skill sets.

Trained on TEQSA, HESF and AQF frameworks, leading literature in assessment design, and examples from expert educators, NextAssess gives you high quality assessments that meet Australian education standards.

Step 3 - Download

Each custom assessment comes with a grade-appropriate outline (aligned to AQF levels), student-friendly description, and detailed marking rubric

Edit right within the platform or ask NextAssess for another suggestion. Our tool learns as you use it.

When you’re ready, download, share or save. 

You're Done!

In seconds, you’re done!

Deliver engaging, evidence-based assessments, aligned with TEQSA, HESF and AQF standards. 

No extra resources, no extra workload. Just great assessments, ready instantly.

It’s a simple as that.

Why you need NextAssess

Studies suggest the majority of your students are already using GenAI in their learning. With over 13,000 GenAI tools out there, it can create increasingly sophisticated content, including essays, code and creative materials.

This exacerbates academic dishonesty risks.

TEQSA (tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency) recognise assessment reform as a key challenge facing the higher education sector. In June 2024, TEQSA will be asking each institute for their credible action plan in response to Generative AI. 

Reforming assessments adds a significant workload to already overworked academics and professional staff. It can take 10 hours or more to design and implement a new piece of evidence-based assessment. For a University with 1000 units or courses, that could mean up to 30,000 additional hours of work!!

NextAssess Solves All of That...and More

Equip your students with the skills they need

83% of companies claim that using AI in their business is a top priority (Forbes). Regardless of industry, graduates will need to know how to leverage and apply AI. With NextAssess, you can provide relevant skills to your students - while still making sure your human graduates have met the learning outcomes.

Don't Just be an Industry Leader

There's no doubt, GenAI will change teaching and learning forever. By using NextAssess, you're not only ensuring your assessments are compliant with Australian education standards, you're ensuring that your University remains relevant and competitive in the GenAI era. NextAssess learns and evolves with technology, so you will always be delivering fit-for-purpose assessment.

Reduce costs by more than 95%!

Each custom assessment comes with a grade-appropriate outline (aligned to AQF levels), student-friendly description, and marking rubric.

The Impact of NextAssess

NextAssess is built by people who know and care about the Australian higher education sector. Here is how our innovative tool makes a huge impact.

Cut costs by 95%

NextAssess save you time, money and resources. Compared to manually reforming assessment, NextAssess is predicted to reduce education institution costs by more than 95%.

Save Countless Hours

Even a rushed assessment takes a few hours to put together, let alone a well researched piece of assessment. NextAssess not only designs evidence-based assessment, but also student-facing descriptions and marking rubrics in seconds.

Academic Integrity

Our platform leverages advanced AI to design assessments that are robust against the pitfalls of academic dishonesty. By creating unique, context-aware assignments that encourage original thinking and critical analysis, NextAssess ensures that students engage genuinely with their studies.

Dynamic Flexibility

Want to update an existing assessment item?Done. Want to deliver a completely new assignment? Done. Want to move to programmatic assessment? Done. In a single click, you can reform and redesign your assessment, in as many ways as you like. This means a more dynamic and responsive educational environment that everyone benefits from.

Be TEQSA-Ready

"TEQSA is keen to ensure all higher education institutions reflect meaningfully on the impact of gen AI and have appropriate mechanisms in place to provide assurance that students have attained the skills and knowledge reflected by their qualifications." (Chief Commissioner, TEQSA)
NextAssess gives you this assurance.

Successful Graduates

AI literacy is an essential skill. By offering assignments that require the application of AI tools and critical thinking, NextAssess ensures that students gain practical, hands-on experience that will set them apart in the competitive job market. Graduates emerge not just ready but proficient in applying AI in their respective fields, making them highly valuable and adaptable in the modern workforce.

For Every Discipline

We have tested NextAssess across multiple disciplines. So whether you’re wanting to use it in the humanities, sciences, tech, law or the arts – we have you covered. And if there is something particular you are wanting, we can design it right in to NextAssess.

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Privacy & Safety

NextAssess is committed to safeguarding your data. We value transparency and continual improvement. Stored in Australia, and encrypted in and out of our system, your data is safe with us.